Pulvinar nuclei

Brain: Pulvinar nuclei
Hind- and mid-brains; postero-lateral view. (Pulvinar visible near top.)
Thalamic nuclei:
MNG = Midline nuclear group
AN = Anterior nuclear group
MD = Medial dorsal nucleus
VNG = Ventral nuclear group
VA = Ventral anterior nucleus
VL = Ventral lateral nucleus
VPL = Ventral posterolateral nucleus
VPM = Ventral posteromedial nucleus
LNG = Lateral nuclear group
PUL = Pulvinar
MTh = Metathalamus
LG = Lateral geniculate nucleus
MG = Medial geniculate nucleus
Latin pulvinar thalami, nuclei pulvinares
NeuroNames hier-311
MeSH Pulvinar
NeuroLex ID birnlex_824

The pulvinar nuclei (nuclei pulvinares) are a collection of nuclei located in the pulvinar thalamus. The pulvinar part is the most posterior region of the thalamus.

The pulvinar is usually grouped as one of the lateral thalamic nuclei. The word is derived from the Latin pulvinus for "cushion". In Ancient Roman religion a pulvinar was an "empty throne" or cushioned couch for occupation by a deity.



It is conventionally divided into dorsal, inferior, lateral, and medial subnuclei.

Species variation

The pulvinar varies in importance in different animals: it is virtually nonexistent in the rat, and grouped as the lateral posterior-pulvinar complex" with the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus due to its small size in cats. In humans it makes up roughly 40% of the thalamus making it the largest of its nuclei.[1]


Lesions of the pulvinar can result in neglect syndromes and attentional deficits.


  1. ^ LaBerge, D. (1999). Attention pp. 44-98. In Cognitive science (Handbook of Perception and Cognition, Second Edition), Bly BM, Rumelhart DE. (edits). Academic Press ISBN 978-0126017304 p. 73

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